Sitemap - 2021 - Daniel Rogers - EFPG

The Favorable Year of the Lord [pt. 6]

To Set Free Those Who Are Oppressed [pt. 5]

Recovery of Sight to the Blind [pt. 4]

Proclaim Release to the Captives [pt. 3]

The Good News to the Poor [pt. 2]

Reflections on Jesus's First Sermon [pt. 1]

Merry Christmas!

Christmas at Christ Church

The Twenty-First Century Church

Please Contribute to this Burial Expense Fundraiser

Transformed People Transform People

Saved from Hell or...Something Else?

The Incarnation Transforms the Way We See Everything

The Wilderness: Refuge or Punishment?

Why I Love the Church of Christ

What the Birth of Jesus says About the Kingdom

The Coming of the Lord - Matthew

The Coming of the Lord - My Approach

Notes from the Trenches

A Priceless Conference

What Does the Bible Do?

Call Fire from Heaven and Get it Over With

A Day with Dallas Burdette

Unscriptural vs Anti-Scriptural

Why I Love Our Praise Team

Penguins, Pasta, and Praise

Shepherds or Elders

When Pursuing Truth Feels Like Falling Away

Paradigm Change: North Broad Church (pt. …)

Paradigm Change: Reformation (pt. 6)

Paradigm Change: Transition (pt. 5)

Paradigm Change: Disembedding (pt. 4)

Paradigm Change: Discontinuity (pt. 3)

Paradigm Change: Stability (pt. 2)

The Process of Paradigm Change (pt. 1)

Thoughts on Xmas from a Xian

Flowchart of Change: Change and Unity

Use this Door Please

What is a False Teacher?

Doctrine and Our Perception of God

Real Christians Shouldn't Watch Friends!

Galatians Class Update

The Heart of a Waffle House Warrior

Galatians Resource Page

Pilgrims on a Plane | Evangelism Essay

Galatians Zoom Class this Thursday!

What is Truth? (pt.7)

Something About the Way He Broke Bread

What About People Who Haven't Been Immersed (pt.6)

Believers Don't Need Rebaptism (pt.5)

Two Guys and a Bible

What is a "Salvation Issue?" (Pt.4)

Unity in Diversity at the Church in Corinth (p.3)

The Necessity and Possibility of Unity (Pt 2)

Galatians Study Via Zoom Tonight!

In Opinions, Liberty (Part 1)

Peace that Can Be Endlessly Known

Why are there So Many Churches?

Overview of Colossians

The Lord Only Built One Church

Overview of Philippians (Video)

Leaving Our Offerings Before the Altar

Embodying Resurrection (Sermon and Essay)

Campbell’s 13 Propositions for Unity

Stone on the Essentials of Christian Union

How My Mind Was Blown in Memphis

Back in Bama

Two Rules of Theology

2021 PPW Lessons

Back in Action and a Quick Update

Non-Miraculous Indwelling?

The Purpose of Holy Spirit Baptism

Holy Spirit Baptism: Who is it For?

The Holy Spirit and Gender

New Series: A Few Thoughts on the Holy Spirit

My Stance on Prophecy and Unity

How Admitting You Don’t Know Everything Can Help Your Church

So Open Minded His Brains Fell Out

Bad Arguments for Correct Conclusions

He Went on His way Rejoicing (Part 3)

Singing in Ephesians and Colossians

He Went on His Way Rejoicing (part 2)

Quick Crash Course on Revelation (April 18-24, 2021)

He Went on His Way Rejoicing (part 1)

My Experience with the Moderna Vaccine

The Chief Problem of Our Churches Today

3 John's Relationship to 1 and 2 John

What is Preterism?

The Importance of Context

Repentance and Love

A Few Thoughts on John's Baptism

The Signs of the Cross (Part 3)

Happy Easter!

The Resurrection of Jesus (March 28 - April 3, 2021)

New Article Series from Dallas Burdette

The Signs of the Cross (Part 2)

The Signs of the Cross (Part 1)

Justin Martyr, Trypho, and the Resurrection

McGuiggan-King Debate

Love Rather than Integrity

Guilty of the Whole Law (March 21-27, 2021)

Is God like Santa Claus?

Why I Don't Talk as Much About Preterism

If I Surrender My Body to Be Burned

Paul Expected to Be Alive at the Coming of Jesus

Interesting Quotes from Krister Stendahl

Faith that Can Move Mountains (March 14-20, 2021)

Convictions & Paradigm Shifts - Podcast

Disarming Hebrews 10:25 - Required Sunday Assembly?

Doctrine is a Useful Distraction from Living

Sometimes I Don't Know What to Write About

Giving and Receiving

Convictions Shape Communities

Jesus is the Only One in Heaven (Mar 7-13, 2021)

"All I Need is the Bible"

Romans 1:18-23 | Idolatry

The Patron Saint of Amateur-Radio Operators

Commandments or Commandment?

From Substitution to Participation

Sheep Appear in Unlikely Places

Watch Out for Change Agents! (Feb 28-Mar 6, 2021)

Nebuchadnezzar and the Judgement of the Nations

Revelation and the New Exodus: The Three Cities

Nebuchadnezzar and the Great Commission

Revelation and the Restoration of Israel

Richard Hays’s Book “Echos of Scripture...” Available for $1.99

Disarming 2 John 9: The Doctrine of Christ

The Parable of the Wheat and Tares Fulfilled

Those Who Scheme Righteousness (Feb 21-27, 2021)

In His Glory = In His Kingdom

Romans 1:16-17 - The Power of the Gospel

The Millennium: A Brief Overview

The Disharmony of the Gospels


Heaven is Like Church Camp

The Two Foundations (Feb 14-20, 2021)

Believing Versus Following

Romans 1:8-15 | Class Notes and Audio

Response to Bro. Patrick Andrews on "Mark Those Who Cause Divisions"

Purity: A Weapon of Dehumanization

LNIV 90 Day Reading Chart

My One-Year-Old Taught Me Grace

DAY 2: Genesis 11-22

Mark Those Who Cause Divisions

DAY 1 Bible Reading: Genesis 1-10

New Book: How to Study the Bible

Divine Light (Feb 7-13, 2021)

The Problem with the Restoration Movement

Romans 1:1-7 | Class Notes and Audio

90 Day Bible Reading Challenge

Pattern Theology: The Author of Confusion

Jesus Answered Questions With a Question

The Women are NOT to Keep Silent

The Judgement of the World and AD70

The Goal of All Bible Study (Jan 31-Feb 6, 2021)

1 Peter, Insurrection, and the Zealots

The Worship God Wants

The Church of Christ is the Oldest Church?

Christ in You: The Resurrection

Division and Resurrection

A Great Resource for You

Begin, Good Work, Finish (Jan 24-30, 2021)

5 Reasons VP Kamala Harris is NOT the Harlot of Revelation 17

The Parable of the Wedding Feast

Preachers Still Abuse the Widow and Her Mites

Revelation Says Jesus Would Come Quickly

The Suffering Servant and the Righteous Remnant

The Day, the Hour, and the Unexpected Hanging

How Much Would You Pay? (Jan 17-23, 2021)

Phones, Praying, and Being Connected

Luke and the Restoration of Israel

2 Peter 3 and the Restoration of Israel

Nothing But a Linen Sheet

Groups of Hundreds and Fifties

Doubters in the Hands of Angry Believers

Pigs and Pearls (Jan 10-16, 2021)

The Weightier Matters of the Law

Thank You! | George MacDonald Unspoken Sermons PDF

Some Had Doubts

The Judgement of 2 Peter and the Zealots

Male Cult Prostitutes and Romans 1

Were Two Swords Enough?

You Trusted in Your Beauty

Jesus Breathed on Them - Them Bones

Sin: "A Culpable Disturbance of Shalom"

The Coming of the Kingdom [5/5]

The Coming of the Kingdom [in John, James, and Peter] (Part 4/5)

The Coming of the Kingdom [in Mark and Paul] (3/5)

The Coming of the Kingdom [in Matthew] (Part 2/5)

The Coming of the Kingdom [in Luke] (Part 1/5)

Jesus Breathed on Them