Sitemap - 2020 - Daniel Rogers - EFPG

Thank You for a Great 2020!

If Revelation Has Been Fulfilled, Why Do People Make Grown Men Cry?

"Swift Destruction" and Imminence in Peter's Epistles (Part 2/2)

"A Little While" and Imminence in Peter's Epistles (Part 1/2)

Peter and Silvanus

The Two Shall Become One Flesh: The Marriage and the Resurrection

New Free Book | Romans 8: Commentary and Essays on the New Creation

Merry Christmas!!

The Gospel and the Redemption of Creation

Jesus - The Son of David According to the Flesh

Oppressing the Poor Insults God

The Wise Men and the Exodus

Colossians 2:14 Does Not Teach that the Law Was Nailed to the Cross

They Couldn't Prove Who Their Parents Were

The Great Joke

Elkanah Was a Sweetheart

New Podcast: "That's It?" Part 4 - Jesus Explains God

Baptism Article and a Quick Update

Baptized into Christ (7/7)

1 Peter 3:21 (6/7)

Cornelius and Imputed Righteousness (5/7)

Baptism and Circumcision (4/7)

Reconciling James 2 and Romans 4 (3/7)

Abraham: Justified by Faith (2/7)

Baptism and Justification by Faith: Introduction (1/7)

New Podcast: "That's It?" Part 3 | It's All Good

The Age of Accountability

Welcome to my time capsule.

The Poor Don't Have to Always Be With You

Should Christians say the Lord's Prayer?

Thanks for Your Prayers for My Friend

17 Tips for Daily Writing

God is Pursuing Us

Say a prayer for my friend.

Baptism is More than an Old Covenant Washing

New Podcast: "That's It?" Part 2 | The Narrative

Christ is All, and in All

New Podcast/ Website: "That's it?" Part 1 | Introduction

Making God in Our Image

Thank You

Alexander Campbell: Unity in Diversity

3 Things I Learned About Prophecy from Joseph

The End of History Illusion

I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 11: John 5:28-29

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 10: Welcome to the Mountain

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 9: Love the Brethren

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 8: Lose Your Life to Save It

A Free Book for You

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 7: The Veil

What a Crossing Guard Taught Me About the Gospel

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 6: Postponing the Resurrection

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 5: Sinless Perfection

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 4: Righteousness

Part 2 of My Interview with Kevin and Lee

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 3: The Need to Be Right

When we pray...

Thoughts on Resurrection Part 2: Relationships

Thoughts on Resurrection

Forgiveness at the Jordan

The Death of an Enemy

Losing Patience is Losing Love

Commentary on Mark: Mark 1:4

I Was the Special Guest on a Podcast

Learning How to Say, "Go in Peace"

What About those Who Never Heard?

Promotional Video for an Upcoming Podcast

Stop Being Such a Shuhite!

Thank You

Don’t Just Study Maps

What if You Died on the Way to be Baptized

Made in the Image of God

Commentary on Mark: Mark 1:2-3

What Question Would You Ask Paul in Heaven?

Futurists Dishonest?

Self Defense

A(The) Purpose of Genesis 1

Resurrection, Land, Kingdom

Cayden Handed Me His Pacifier

I Hope You Disagree With Me

Commentary on Mark: Intro and Verse 1

David Had Two Sons: Shedding Light on 666

Mark Commentary: Introduction to the Introduction

Speak the Same Thing

Asking the Wrong Question

True Religion and the Root of ALL Evil

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Why I Believe Preterism is True

Perfect Tense (The Future of Preterism)

Safety in Legalism

He's Just A Product of His Time

Columbus Day: Romanus Pontifex

Making Your Calling and Election Sure

Jesus’s Baptism and Genesis

God is Not Present in Fire-and-Brimstone Preaching

Church Can Never Be Shut Down

What Happened to the Man who Built Bigger Barns?

Video: The Divine Nature and 1 Corinthians 15

Record Keeping and Loving Your Enemy

Yom in Genesis 1-2

Two Prayers of Jacob

Resurrection: Partakes of the Divine Nature

Articles About Eschatology Get More Views

That’s Not How the Real World Works

The Future of Preterism

The Book of Revelation is Not Rome Vs Jerusalem

Church of Christ is Not the Name of the Church

What Is Truth?

Dr. Dallas Burdette Released Many of His Books for Free

The Word of God as a Sword


But When the Son of Man Comes in Glory

Pray Without Ceasing and Defining Sin

It Isn’t My Job to Convince You


Knowing, Not Knowing, and Learning to Live with the Mystery

Violence and Bible Discussions

In G___ We Trust

Original Goodness

As My Baby Sleeps...

Redefining Yourself Takes ACTION not Words

Rephrasing a Popular Preterist Argument

What Did James See?

What resources on atonement theory do you recommend?

Man can live without air for a few minutes...

The Mathematical Impossibility of Degrees of Punishment in an Eternal Hell

Don't Miss Another Zoom Call

Livestream/ Zoom details

New Short Video (~2 minutes)

Our Bible Classes Are Still Being Streamed

Coronavirus and Daily Articles

John Loves Sevens

Grace - When God Breaks His Own Rules

Weekly Update - March 6th

Worship in the New Testament

Worship Under the Law

Worship Before the Law

Worship Defined

Sermon Preview: Worship

Weekly Update - March 6th

The Root of All Evil and Today

The Root of All Evil and Jesus

The Root of All Evil and Genesis 1-12

The Root of All Evil and the Ten Commandments

Sermon Preview: The Root of All Evil

In Case You Missed It (2020-02-23/02-28)

Weekly Update - February 26th, 2020

God Sends Rain

Walking Center Column Reference

Theological Tricycle


Mimetic Rivalry

The Millennium and the Short Time