Sitemap - 2017 - Daniel Rogers - EFPG

4.1 Galatians 4: Flesh vs Spirit [1/4]

1 Peter part 6

An Overview of the Sermon on the Mount [Part 1: Article 2]

2.5 The Afterlife: Where Did Christ Ascend? [5/5]

An Overview of the Sermon on the Mount [Part 1: Article 1]

2017-12-21 Q&A and James Outline

2.4 The Afterlife: I Can Go to Him

Introducing New Article Series on Mondays and Wednesdays

An Overview of the Sermon on the Mount [Introduction]

2.3 Afterlife: Never Be Consumed [3/6]

1 Peter Part 5

3.5 Feast Days: Tabernacles [5/5]

2017-12-14 Q&A

3.4 Feast Days: Day of Atonement [4/5]

3.3 Feast Days: Feast of Trumpets [3/5]

3.2 Feast Days: Firstfruits and Pentecost

"Death Died on Golgotha" Church Sign Review

3.1 Feast Days: Passover and Unleavend Bread [1/5]

No Video Today; Voice is Gone

2.1 Afterlife: Introduction [1/5]

Last Two Unity Videos

Unity: It Starts With YOU

1.2 Unity: A Proposed Solution (CENI) [2/5]

1.1 Unity: Introduction [1/5]

Paul's Relationship to the Law [Video]

An Explanation of my Absence [Video]

Psalm 23 Part 2: I Shall Not Want

The Second Exodus: Hebrews

Attitude Over Eschatology

Is Hurricane Harvey a Sign of the END OF TIME?

2 Questions: How is the Second Appearing a fulfillment of the Day of Atonement? and When do the saints go to Heaven?

Paul Didn't Have the Promise of the Spirit Yet

Which World to Come?

One Major Reason for Biblical Misunderstanding

Upon What Basis Can We Trust Jesus?

The Second Exodus: The New Covenant

The Second Exodus: The Cross of Christ

3 Steps to a Stronger Faith

How Much Do You Love?

The Feast Days [Audio]

The Feast Days (File Download)

The Land Promise: Has Abraham Sat Down in the Kingdom?

The Land Promises: The New Jerusalem

The Land Promises: Abraham Didn't Want Dirt

The Land Promises: Introduction

PPW 2017 - The Defeat of Satan

Daniel Rogers #11 The Scriptures Can't Be Broken

Daniel Rogers #11 I Serve and Honest God

Covenant Eschatology: A Cross-Centered Eschatology

Daniel Rogers #9 I'll Never Die


Daniel Rogers #8: Born of Above

Daniel Rogers #7 There is Neither Male nor Female

Daniel Rogers #6 An Everlasting Name

Daniel Rogers #5 This Age and the Age to Come

Introducing an FAQ section!

The Gospel Preached to the Dead: An Explanation of 1 Peter 4:6

Daniel Rogers #4 Thoughts on the Hester-Preston Debate

Daniel Rogers #3 The Hour that is Coming

Daniel Rogers #2 Comparing Matthew 24 to Daniel 12

Daniel Rogers #1 Daniel 12 and and the Resurrection

Wife Beating Questions

Website Updates: Subscribe to Our Podcast on iTunes

The Messianic Banquet and the Resurrection

At That Time: A Closer Look at Daniel 12:1

Don't Judge LeFou's Struggle

Oh, Walk, Walk, Walk!

The Kingdom of God is Present: A Study of Daniel 2 (Part 2)

The Kingdom of God is Present! A Study of Daniel 2

Q&A #1

Back In Stock!


Bound For What?

Revelation Part 5: The Bride

Revelation Part 4: The Millennium (Addendum)

Revelation Part 4: The Millennium

Personal Update (1/27/2017)

Personal Update (1/20/17)

Response to Ben Vick’s Article on Matthew 24:36


Has the Resurrection Already Happened?

Personal Updates (January 4, 2017)