Personal Updates (January 4, 2017)
Many consider 2016 to be one of the worst years to date. I vehemently disagree if we are discussing this on a national or even worldwide scale; however, if we are considering things from a personal matter, 2016 was, for me, both one of the best and one of the worst years of my life. My wife and I celebrated our first year of marriage, I came to exciting conclusions about the Bible that have offered more peace than I can describe, I started school at a new college, and I made tons of new friends and contacts. At the same time, 2016 was a rough year: due to my personal convictions, I lost the respect of much of my family and I lost several friends. This situation brought stress upon Laura and I, and it contributed to a very depressing Winter and holiday season.
Despite the negative aspects of 2016, we are facing the new year with an optimistic attitude. This isn't because we make new years resolutions or anything like that, but it just so happen to be the case that a new year brought new opportunities that we are extremely excited for.
Come visit us for Bible study at 10:15 AM on Sunday. For directions, please get in touch with me.
I have a very exciting project that I will announce more about in the near future! Keep your eyes and ears open for that!
I will be traveling to several locations to speak on lectureships this year. The locations and times will be released as they are announced.
I am also working on starting a business in website design and technical support. I already have several client and I've already started to work for a few of them.
A friend of mine who runs a publication called Spirit and Life has asked me to be the layout editor of the mail-out and web edition.
We are very excited for this year and we hope that you will join us in our work for the Lord.