Sitemap - 2022 - Daniel Rogers - EFPG

Push for 1000 Subscribers in 2022!

Moonbeams: Dealing with Genocide Passages

A Hike through My Old Playground

Canceling Service on Christmas?

The Need for Authenticity

Campbell's Cannibals

Figuring Out 'Me' - Part 8,427

Andrew the Bringer - A Lesson in Gifting

Is it a 6 or a 9? Thoughts On Objective Reality

Who Will Be in Heaven?

The Thing About Pursuing Grace

The Joy of Disagreeing

Liberty and Justice for All

Can You Believe Kids These Days?

Acts 15: A Model for Church Disagreements

In Adam Versus In Christ

New Podcast Episode!

Complete Malachi Handouts

Mobilization and the Need for the Gospel

The Return of Sunday Night Service

The Best Test of Doctrine

Reflections on the Churches of Christ

Judge Righteous Judgment?

New Series on Malachi!

The Journey Through Perplexity

You Showed up at Just the Right Time

Let's Make Disciples

Striving to be Non-Denominational

Red Flags, But I'm Colorblind

On the Second Day of the Week

Integrity and Taboo Questions

Why Doctrine DOES Matter

I Desire Mercy and Not Baptism

AD70 as a Microcosm: Thoughts on the New Creation

A Vision for What the Church Could Be

Guest Article: More than an Entourage

Do I Stay Church of Christ?

The Commands of Paul: Universal or Unique?

Can Women Only Teach While Singing?

National Freedom Comes at a Cost

Can Women Pass Communion Trays While Standing?

Taking Away the Good Part - A Thought on Women's Roles

Why I Believe "Once Saved Always Saved"

Thoughts on Once Saved Always Saved

The Dangers of Instrumental Music

Support My New Book

New Podcast: It's going(?) to Be Okay

New Book Coming this Fall

Podcast: Philippians 2 and the Garden

New Podcast: The Way of Love

Testing Faith and Changing Your Mind

A Closer Look at Matthew 23:39

Free but Not Free - The Battle with Myself

Don’t Gaslight Yourself

Is the Bible "Literally" true?

Pausing Daily Articles

Livestreams and Church Attendance

Passages in Parentheses

Lab coat worship

God Doesn’t Want Me to Go?

Eucharist: A Thanksgiving Meal

When Two Worlds Collide

Germs, Immune Systems, and One Body

North Broad - Cayden’s Favorite Place

Give Me that Old-Time Religion

Ideas are Everywhere

An Apology to the “Judaizers”

Where Do We Go from Here?

Raising and Clapping Holy Hands

Faith Working through Love

The Man in the Ditch

I Never Think About Being White

Patient When Wronged

Is Jesus The Way or in the Way?

Subscribe to this New Blog!

Compassion and Patience - Two Qualities Needed for Change

There is One Baptism (Mine, Not Yours)

What Does the Church Need?

To The Anonymous God

A Church Modeled After A Flop

Imagine What Our Church Could Be

My Preferred Platforms and Tools (FI2W)

Fellowship and Endoresement

A New Series: From Idea to the Web

Moved with Compassion

Five Acts, Five Steps, and ABC

Why I NEED You to Be Wrong

Church History Matters

Brownlow's "Instrument" Syllogisms [pt. 3.1]

Tradition Versus Traditionalism

Website Updates - Jan 2022

Getting Comfortable With Not Knowing

Three Keys to Showing Tolerance

Hiking: Reading God's Original Revelation

Prayer for My Friends

Upon this Rock: Reevaluating Matthew 16:18

Backspace, Prayer, and Confession

Questioning... What is truth? [pt. 4]

Trust Me, You've Got This

Sermon: The First Commandment

Saved: Binary or a Process?

Questioning... Instruments in Worship [pt. 3]

A Short Birthday Message

It Gets Tough Sometimes

Thoughts on Trusting God

Questioning... The Name of the Church [pt. 2]

Questioning the Questions [pt. 1]

What's New in 2022