Sermon Outline: Death
Each Monday I will be posting a Sermon outline. These outlines are free to use. If you disagree with something that I write or a point that I make, please get in touch with me through private message on Facebook or through email.
I. Introduction
a. Death and freedom from death is one of the main themes in the Bible.
b. Death is something that everyone thinks about and can be frightening to consider, but if you are a Christian then it doesn’t have to be a hopeless situation.
c. There are two types of death: spiritual and physical (I Timothy 5:6 and John 11:14).
d. Physical death is something everyone must endure, but spiritual death is something we can escape from today.
II. Sin brings death
a. Romans 6:23
i. Luke 10:7
ii. Luke 12:48
iii. Everyone sins: Romans 6:23
b. Romans 1:26-32
i. Everyone earns death.
ii. Why? Man says so? Christians are bigots? Intolerance of others? Or did God establish this rule?
iii. I John 3:4
III. Sin has brought death from the beginning of time.
a. Genesis 2:16-17
i. Notice that Adam was told he could eat of any tree except one.
1. Why would Adam need to eat if he had eternal physical life?
2. This gives us a hint as to what God meant by “in the day that you eat you will surely die.”
ii. “… for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Genesis 2:17).
1. Notice what God did not say
a. “thou shalt surely one day die”
b. “thou shalt surely begin to die”
2. He said “for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (emp. added).
3. If a literal interpretation causes God to lie, then the interpretation must be of a different nature.
b. Genesis 3:1-7
i. The Devil said “Ye shall not surely die” (Genesis 3:4).
1. From a physical standpoint the Devil was right.
2. From a spiritual standpoint the Devil was a liar (John 8:44)
ii. Notice that eating of the tree brought forth a knowledge of good and evil.
iii. Genesis 3:22-24
1. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden and lost fellowship with God.
2. Therefore, sin = death = no fellowship with God = by knowing the difference between good and evil and choosing evil.
a. Isaiah 59:1-4
b. Deuteronomy 1:35-39
i. Children are not dead.
1. Romans 7:9
2. Mark 16:16
IV. Nature of Jesus’ sacrifice
a. Jesus came to die in our place.
i. Hebrews 2:9
ii. Isaiah 53:4-5
b. Jesus died a physical death and rose physically, but was that the focus of the cross?
i. If the focus of the cross was physical death then why do we still die physically today? Why do children die?
ii. If the focus of the cross was spiritual death then we can have life today: John 11:25-26.
iii. Physical death to a Christian is nothing but a graduation to Heaven.
1. Philippians 1:21
2. Romans 8:37-39
3. II Peter 1:14
4. Matthew 10:28
iv. There had to be more to Jesus’ death than just the physical. Jesus had to endure the pain of separation from God so that we would not have to endure that pain for an eternity. What a sacrifice!
1. Matthew 27:46
2. Isaiah 53:10-12
3. Romans 6:9-10
4. II Corinthians 5:21
5. Galatians 3:13
V. How to choose good, overcome death that sin brings, and enter into fellowship with God
a. By obeying what is declared: I John 1:3-7; II Timothy 1:9-10
b. John 5:24-26
c. John 11:25-26
d. Romans 6:3-6
VI. Conclusion: we do not have to fear death if we overcome the sting of death (I Corinthians 15:55-57). We do this by obeying the gospel. Don’t be a “dead man walking.”